Wednesday, June 29

See Through

So I bought this dress one day (because the stars reminded me of Harry Potter) and didn't notice that it's completely see through.  Which actually works out well, because so is this skirt.  And let me tell you, if you add one see through item to another they become not so see through.  Lucky for me, the people in my department at work have sensitive eyes, so we keep the lights down.  Which means my not so see through lost it's so, meaning we are in the clear(haha, get it?).  Well, I was in the clear until I walked outside and the wind blew them both up.  Making them completely see through.  At least my underwear were solid.

1 comment:

  1. you have got to be the cutest ever.
    i heart heart heart the skirt and your top is adorable. i woudln't have ever put them together, cause i'm not brave enoug, but you're making me want to do something similar!!! also, loev that you added Hedwig to all those stars! HP IS ALMOST OVER!!!!


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