Monday, October 18

Day Trip

I will be in Chicago all day tomorrow and have been getting ready and packing today.  Although I don't know if it's really packing if you're only allowed ONE OUTFIT! and have to share a pack with your boyfriend.  I'm bringing my camera along to take some pictures of our journey, so fingers crossed I'll be uploading some of them this week.  Our train leaves tonight (9 hours of reading and Go Fish, YAY!) and then return Tuesday night, so I will be back Wednesday with another Halloween post.  Have a good start to the week and wish me luck in Chicago.


  1. Have a great time in Chicago and I can't wait to see the photos.

  2. have funnnnn! i'm really jealous of your chicago trip! :)

  3. Oh I love Chicago!! I am so jealous. Have lots of fun.

  4. Thanks! It was super tiring, but a lot of fun!


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