Wednesday, December 21

4 Days!

Dress - Francesca's, Swater - Target, Boots - Old Navy, Belt - vintage

I cannot believe it is Christmas in 4 days!  I need to finish wrapping, especially Scott's stocking gifts since we are exchanging tomorrow.  It will be out first Christmas tradition, going out for dinner and opening our stockings just the three of us.  Fender of course has the most presents but who's counting.  I can't wait to start off our first Christmas as a little family! 

Thanks mom for taking my pictures and for holiday tea!

Thursday, December 15

Oh Christmas Tree

Christmas is my favorite holiday, it's just so warm and cozy.  And this is the first holiday season we have our own place so I am extra excited.  It's also our first Christmas engaged! (eek!) and Fender's first Christmas, so we have a lot of celebrating to do over here.  The tree is my favorite part, it's covered in ornaments that fit us perfectly and is wrapped with a vintage tree skirt and whimsical race track.  And then sometimes you can find a sleeping pup under there.  Or a bad pup who chews on branches and rips down ornaments.  Sadly the latter is more common.

Monday, December 12

Holiday Naps

At least one of us has time for a holiday nap.  Plus I don't think Scott or I would be as cute snoozing under the tree.

Sunday, December 11

Good Idea

Dress - Francesca's, Belt - Forever21, Tights - Target, Shoes - Ruche, Coat - Chuppi (bought in Ireland), Bracelet - vintage, Purse - Vera Wang (Kohls)

Yup, we took these pictures at the gas station while on our way home from a Christmas party.  I jokingly said we should take them here, because come on this is the best light we are going to get at 11.  After joking about it though it seemed like a really good idea.  Definitely not my best idea.  Probably not even in the top 100.

Wednesday, December 7

When Scott Trumped Ron

Our trip to Florida was probably (it definitely was) the best few days of my life.  As if it wasn't enough to walk through Hogwarts, drink a chilled butterbeer, or enjoy a piping hot breakfast in the Three Broomsticks, the cast was there!  Including my book crush Ron Weasley!  Luckily, I have an awesome boyfriend fiance who has the most impeccable timing when it comes to stalking down Harry Potter stars.  And he is tall, which is crucial for scoring pictures.  We spent two whole days exploring Universal, riding an enchanted bench with the trio, coasting along with Buckbeak and competing in the Dragon Challenge.  On our last day we went to a Q&A with some of the Weasley family which was just about the coolest thing that had ever happened in my life for about 12 hours.  In my head I was thinking nothing is EVER going to top this.  But, just as I was getting ready the next morning I got asked the most exciting question ever.  And I said yes!

Sunday, December 4


I am finally back...hopefully for good.  This has been the busiest month I think I've ever had.  We went on vacation, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is awesome, I definitely recommend it.  We moved, again.  That was not awesome.  Thanksgiving was thrown in there somewhere.  And it just so happens that a little puppy takes up quite a large chunk of your time (you blogging mamas are superstars!)  We also got engaged!  I know, it was a crazy month.  So hopefully December will be a peaceful, lazy month.  You know, since holiday shopping, decorating and all of the festivities are so relaxing.